International Day of Happiness: 10 Things That Make Me Happy

Happiness is like the mountain summit. It is sometimes hidden by clouds but we know it’s there.

- Helen Keller

Today is the International Day of Happiness, and I’ve been thinking about the things that make me really, genuinely happy. The last 12 months have often been frightening, exhausting, and confusing, and I’ve found myself getting caught up in the overwhelm and losing perspective of the joyful things.

When I take a moment to stop and reflect, I realise that there are so many wonderful things about people and the world that I don’t think I really appreciated before the pandemic.

And so, in celebration of the International Day of Happiness, here are 10 things that make me happy:


One of the things that has stood out for me throughout the pandemic is how much kindness there is in the world, in spite of the challenges and the media reports to the contrary.

When people show themselves / one another / animals / the world kindness, especially when they do so without expecting anything in return, I feel a huge wave of happiness wash over me. It costs nothing to be kind, and yet its impact is often vastly underestimated.

I remember venturing to a supermarket for the first time during the first lockdown, and feeling stressed and anxious about it. While I was packing up my shopping at the checkout, a queue had begun to form, and the next person in the queue was tutting because it was taking a bit of time to pack everything up. The cashier told me to take whatever time I needed, and that “small” gesture meant so much to me that I still remember it now.

Kindness shouldn’t be taken for granted, and I think we should all throw it around with abandon at every opportunity.

Singing along to favourite songs in the car

I’ll level with you, my singing leaves a lot to be desired! And yet, when I’m driving and a favourite song comes up on the radio or a playlist, I will sing along with total abandon. It’s something that makes me so happy that even if I’m stuck in traffic, it feels so much more bearable if I’m listening to music I love.


If you follow me on social media you’ll probably have seen my cat Charlie making an appearance. He’s a proper character, and taking care of him has given me a sense of structure to the day during lockdown. He regularly gatecrashes Zoom meetings, so most of my clients have met him at some point over the last year!

Having regular contact with animals has been shown to boost overall wellbeing as well as mood, and most people seem to feel better when they’ve spent time with animals.

Therapy animals are becoming increasingly common, and they can be a huge source of comfort and support for people struggling with a range of issues. I’d love to have a therapy animal as part of my practice, but there’s no way Charlie would co-operate with me on that, so it’ll have to be something for the future!


For me, nothing beats a good belly laugh; those moments when you’re literally crying with laughter and the world feels that little bit brighter, if only for a moment. They say that laughter is good for the soul, and I can understand why!

Laughter releases the feel-good hormones dopamine and endorphins, and it’s one of the best natural mood-boosters. Even a “forced” laugh releases these hormones, which is why things like Laughter Yoga can be so effective for people.

If you’re feeling down today, see if you can find something that makes you laugh even if it’s only for a couple of minutes, and notice what happens to your mood.

Getting lost in a really great book / film / TV show

Much of my downtime during the lockdowns has revolved around reading and catching up on TV and films, and I’ve loved finding new gems. We’re always learning, and stories connect us and serve as a reminder of our shared humanity.

There are some incredible storytellers in the world, and a few of the stand-out TV series’ for me from 2020 are: ‘I May Destroy You’, ‘Normal People’, and ‘Ghosts’ (all available on BBC iPlayer at the time of writing); ‘The Good Place’, ‘The Last Dance’, and ‘Sex Education’ (all available on Netflix at the time of writing), and ‘Derry Girls’, ‘The Great British Bake Off (including the specials for SU2C), and ‘Taskmaster’ (all available on All 4 at the time of writing).

If you love books and are looking for some recommendations for your next read, check out my blog post for World Book Day here.

Time in nature

Nature is incredible, and spending time outside boosts my mood and feeling of general wellbeing so much. As the days get longer and lighter, I’ve noticed my motivation to simply go for a walk has increased dramatically.

I’m especially fond of the sea, and I always feel calm and peaceful when I’ve been for a walk beside water, and watch it ebb and flow. One of the things I love about my office is its location: it’s a 10-minute walk away from the Marina, which is one of my favourite places to walk around on my lunch breaks.

Great coffee

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love coffee! The smell of fresh coffee is one of my favourite things, and it reminds me of holidays and drinking my first cup of the day outside whilst watching the world wake up.

I used to work the early shift a lot in a previous job, and one of the loveliest things was when my colleagues would have a cup of coffee ready for me when I arrived. It was one of those little things that made such a difference to the day.

Fun fact: my record for most cups of coffee consumed in a single shift was 10 (I don’t encourage you to do this at all, I was still jittery the following day!).

Bookshops & libraries

There’s something about the atmosphere of bookshops and libraries that I find incredibly peaceful and comforting. I can spend hours browsing across all genres, and if there’s a café on site, I’ll usually take my chosen books there and start reading!

I love the smell of books, and there is always joy for me in coming across books I’ve never read before, and books on subject I know nothing about. I can’t wait to be able to venture into a bookshop or library and explore again!

Connecting with friends & loved ones

Like most people, the thing I’ve missed most during the pandemic is being able to spend time with my family and friends in person, and being able to give them all a massive hug.

Although telephone and video calls, texts, emails and social media undoubtedly keep us in contact with each other, they don’t give me the same sense of connection that I get when I see people face-to-face.

I can’t wait to be able to catch up with them in person, and knowing that the joy of being able to do so again is on the horizon keeps me going when I feel down.

So there you have it; 10 things that make me happy! They may have been “little” things before the pandemic but they’ve become the really big things for me ever since. I hope that this list has inspired you to reflect on the things that make you happy.

As ever, if you’re struggling with your mental health and think I might be the therapist for you, feel free to get in touch and let’s see if we can work together. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram @emmapooleytherapy, email me via, or use the contact form below to send me a message.


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World Book Day 2021