Introducing My Business Support Manager, Lisa

As April is Stress Awareness Month, it feels like a good time to introduce you to my Business Support Manager, Lisa. She’s actually been working with me for 2 years now and manages a lot of the behind-the-scenes admin that comes with running my practice, but I only recently realised that I haven’t introduced her properly in all that time!

Back in March 2022, I could feel myself becoming more overwhelmed with admin. I was struggling to keep on top of my diary, emails, record keeping, accounts, social media… the list was pretty endless, and I was making mistakes and feeling like I wanted to give up!

After a lot of deliberation as to whether it would be “worth it” to outsource some of this stuff, I met with Lisa to discuss what was happening and the support I was looking for. We gelled straightaway, and as Lisa is a counsellor herself, she has a great understanding of the requirements of private practice, which helped to put me at ease.

Her support has been invaluable to me, and it’s a real pleasure to introduce you to her here!

Hi Lisa, thanks for doing this! First question: how did you get into the Virtual Assistance world?

My son would cry when I left the house to go to work. I reached out to friends for work from home ideas and being a Virtual Assistant was mentioned. My background is in admin as I worked as a civil servant doing admin in an Army Barracks and I worked on the reception of a pharmaceutical company. I completed a VA training course in 2019 and set up my business later that year. 

What does your role as Emma's Business Support Manager involve?

I usually send out all invoices, Zoom links, appointment confirmations and payment reminders. As well as this I schedule some social media posts. I also keep an eye on things when she has her well-deserved breaks so she doesn't have to be glued to her emails. 

What are the pros and cons of doing what you do?

I love that my diary works around my children. I do still have a job that takes me out of the house but being a Virtual Assistant allows me to work from home which makes both of my sons very happy. It is a lifesaver during the school holidays! Also, I love supporting others. Taking the weight off of someone's shoulders feels wonderful. 

The biggest con is it can get a bit lonely sometimes. I am happiest when I am around people so you can often find me working in a local Costa (plus they are warmer than my house!). 

What does a typical week look like for you?

Mondays and Fridays are my work from home days and I start those days with an early morning dog walk (it's lovely to get out first thing; it gets my brain functioning quicker!) and then I do the school run before cracking on with my Virtual Assistant work. Tuesday and Thursday I work in retail and get to spend those days chatting to a lot of people! On a Wednesday I have another admin job.

I like to go to the gym in the evenings. If I have been sat doing computer work all day it is a great way to move my body and de-stiffen from a day at the desk. I also find exercise supports my own mental health. I also enjoy doing diamond art, jigsaws and reading. I will also admit to being a major chocaholic!

Huge thanks to Lisa for taking the time to write this post, and for everything she does in the background to support me and my clients. I hope that this has given you an insight into the person who keeps so many things on track for me; the behind-the-scenes elements wouldn’t run as smoothly without her, that’s for sure! You can find Lisa on LinkedIn here if you’d like to contact her.

As ever, thank you for reading this blog, and for your support across social media too. At the time of writing, I have some limited availability for new clients, so if you’re interested in the possibility of working with me, feel free to get in touch and let’s see if we’re a good fit. You can contact me: using the contact form at the bottom of the page; via email to, or find me on Facebook and Instagram @emmapooleytherapy.


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