Reflecting on 2022

What a year it’s been, eh? Given that I was complaining about how slowly time was going back in January, it feels unbelievable that I’m writing this in December! As 2022 comes to a close, I thought I’d share some of my reflections on the last 12 months, as well as my hopes and plans for the year ahead.

Biggest lessons


In March 2022, I realised that I was becoming overwhelmed with a lot of the admin and background tasks that running a private practice requires. Previously, I would have carried on regardless and risked burning myself out, but this time I decided to respond differently and seek out some help. I was so excited when I connected with Lisa who agreed to come on board as my Business Support Manager, and was able to hand over some tasks to her.

During Covid, I allowed some of my key boundaries to slide, especially around the time I spent working, and this had a significant impact on my overall health and wellbeing. In 2022, I’ve made a point of sticking to my regular working hours, as well as making time to meet up with friends, exercise, and doing more of the things I enjoy.

I’ve also taken longer and more frequent breaks, including 3 weeks off in June and I’m about to do so again from Friday 16th December 2022 and returning to work from Monday 9th January 2023. Doing this enables me to come back to work feeling more refreshed than before, and means that I’m a much more effective therapist for my clients.

My ‘word of the year’ for 2022 was balance, and I feel like I’ve been able to put things in place to help me attain this, and doing so has made a huge difference to my wellbeing. The biggest shift has been in making time for my hobbies and interests again, as well as catching up with friends regularly. We all need opportunities for connection, both with ourselves and with other people, so if this is something you’re craving, I invite you to take steps to create them in 2023.


Learning to trust myself and my professional knowledge and experience has been a huge lesson for me this year. I didn’t appreciate that other people would value it, and so it came as a surprise when I was asked to deliver a range of workshops, and contribute to other areas that I wouldn’t have expected to be in.

In December 2019, I began facilitating a Peer Support group for other therapists in private practice, which helped me to recognise how much I enjoy supporting other therapists in their professional development. I’ve learned a lot from the experience, and I’m going to be expanding this area in 2023, so watch this space if you’re interested!

Who would have guessed that making time to plan and create content regularly would mean that I’d be more consistent in publishing it?! I recently subscribed to a scheduling tool for social media posts, which has taken so much pressure off me, and means that I can embrace the days when I’m in a creative flow and get lots of stuff lined up for the days when I’m really not feeling it. My aim is to get as much content planned out and scheduled in advance as I can for 2023, which will give me time to focus on other things in the long-run.

The idea of having to be visible and put myself out there was the biggest scare for me when I first launched my practice, and I worried that whatever I did wouldn’t be “good enough”. It’s so lovely to meet people who have come across me on social media or this blog and tell me how much they enjoy my content! So to my “fans”, I’d like to say thank you for supporting me; it means more to me than you’ll know.

Biggest achievements


Covid forced me to reflect on where my priorities lie, and to strike a healthier work / life balance. My main goal for 2022 was to establish a structure and routine to my business that enabled me to prioritise my wellbeing and life outside of work.

So far, I seem to have found a routine that works for me, and although there will be an ongoing need to tweak things from time-to-time, generally it’s going well. Rather than feeling like my whole identity revolves around my job, I’ve begun to shift into a place where my job is an important part of my life, but not my whole story.

I wanted to stretch myself to move out of my comfort zone and try new things, as well as taking opportunities to meet new people. I recently started attending a Zumba class, and even though I frequently freestyle my way through it because I have no idea what’s happening, it gives me such a boost to take part!

One of the things I’ve missed over the last few years is making time for hobbies that interest me. I started learning Swedish earlier this year, and I’ve just surpassed a 150-day streak. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I’ve been doing more creative writing, as well as publishing more regular blog posts here. Consistency really is the key for me, and I want to keep these things going in 2023.


I think the biggest professional achievement for me this year was getting accredited with UKCP. Although I don’t “need” it to work with clients, it felt important to go for it as a way of demonstrating my commitment to professional development and ethical practice. It will also mean that I can keep my options open for training as a supervisor if I want to in future.

One of my key intentions for 2022 was to publish blog posts more consistently, and I aimed to publish 20-25 posts this year. Amazingly, this is my 21st post for the year, so I was spot on with that particular target! I plan to publish a similar amount in 2023, and aim for them to be useful and engaging. I’m always interested in knowing what topics people would like to read about, so if there’s anything specific you’d like me to write about, do get in touch!

It turns out that I actually enjoy delivering workshops and training, especially in-person, which feels weird to write as I’m more of an introvert than most people think. I’ve had the pleasure of delivering training on a variety of topics, including essay writing skills for therapists in training, setting up a private practice for other therapists who are considering or have just started a private practice, and networking for different personality types.

Plans for 2023

I gained UKCP accreditation as a psychotherapeutic counsellor earlier this year, and I’m currently working towards accreditation as a psychotherapist. My hope is that I will attain this in the next few months, and once I’ve got it, I’ll feel like I’ve closed the loop on that part of my therapy journey, even if I’ll have to apply for re-accreditation every 5 years!

I love learning, and I’m curious about so many things, it can make my head spin! There are lots of courses that I’ve got my eye on for 2023, but I need to remember to pace myself and that I don’t need to do everything straightaway, simply because the opportunity to do so is there. I’ll also be getting more involved in research for the Ellesmere Centre in Hull, so I’ll post an update on that once I have more information.

My ‘word of the year’ for 2023 is growth, as this is the key thing I’m seeking to experience in the coming months. I’m planning to expand the services I can offer, particularly for other therapists, so if you’re interested, keep an eye on my website and social media pages for the latest updates.

I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me and my practice, whether you’ve been there right from the start or have only just stumbled across me; it really does mean the world. My biggest thanks go to each and every client who has shared so much of themselves, and allowed me to be alongside them as they work through their “stuff”.

At the time of publishing this post, I’m about to go on an extended break from work until Monday 9th January 2023. If you’re struggling and think I might be the therapist for you, feel free to contact me in the New Year and let’s see if we can work together.


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